MATLAB: How are method names with a dot in them accessed in classes


In the tutorial Implementing a Set/Get Interface for Properties, a class MyAccount is implemented as a subclass of HGSETGET with part of the SET method overloaded. This is done by adding a method set.AccountStatus. However, this method does not show up in the list of methods for MyAccount. Moreover, there does not seem to be any way of calling this method. For example, the following command sequence gets a mysterious error:
>> h = MyAccount(1234567,500,'open');
>> h.set.AccountStatus('frozen')
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Moreover, if SET is overloaded, this method has no effect on the behavior of MyAccount.
EDIT: An attempt to access set.AccountStatus within SET has strange effects. If this code is inserted in the class,
function obj = set(obj,varargin)
obj = obj.set.AccountStatus(varargin{2});
>> h.set.AccountStatus('frozen')
is run, then obj.set.AccountStatus(varargin{2}) actually calls set(obj,{}).
How are methods with dots in their names accessed? EDIT: Is it still possible to access methods like SET.ACCOUNTSTATUS if I modify SET?

Best Answer

While this answer is very late and I think you have found a work around for HGsetgetplus ...
Under "Defining Access Methods" you can get a function handle to the set.AccountStatus method via the metaclass
m = ?myClass; m.Properties{1}.Name m.Properties{1}.SetMethod