MATLAB: How a solution depends on a variable

for loopplot

I have a function UE=Explicit(S,sigma,r,T,M,K,gamma,N); and I want to plot how the solution depends on gamma where 0.5<=gamma<=1. All of the other parameters are constants. How can I do this?

Best Answer

One approach:
gammav = linspace(0.5, 1, 10);
for k = 1:numel(gammav)
UE{k} = Explicit(S,sigma,r,T,M,K,gammav(k),N);
I have no idea what ‘Explicit’ is or what it produces, so it could be possible to vectorise this (instead of using the loop) depending on how you wrote the function. I am also saving each iteration to a cell array for that reason.
Plotting it depends on what ‘UE’ is. If ‘Explicit’ produces a scalar, this works:
plot(gammav, [UE{:}])
If it produces vectors or matrices, it will be necessary to use other approaches.
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