MATLAB: Hour to hour minute second conversion


I have an array represents hours, for example;
Is there any matlab function to convert these hours to hour, minute, second? Example output;
hms=[13 12 0;15 18 0;14 27 36;21 0 0];

Best Answer

The basic concept is easy to implement:
tmp = hour(:);
H = fix(tmp);
tmp = 60*(tmp-H);
M = fix(tmp);
tmp = 60*(tmp-M);
S = tmp;
hms = [H,M,S]
However this can lead to accumulated floating point errors. One way to resolve this would be to perform some intermediate rounding like this:
adj = 1e12;
tmp = round(hour(:)*adj)/adj;
H = fix(tmp);
tmp = round(60*(tmp-H)*adj)/adj;
M = fix(tmp);
tmp = round(60*(tmp-M)*adj)/adj;
S = tmp;
hms = [H,M,S]
to give
hms =
13 12 0
15 18 0
14 27 36
21 0 0