MATLAB: Hot to fit two curves under interdependent constraint

curve fittingfminconoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

I'm trying to fit two functions ; first one is the calibration curve y(z) and the second one is the profile of the measured quantity z(x). This calibration curve is modeled as polynomial:
and profile is modeled as linear function:
Measurement results to which these two functions must be fitted are three vectors y1(x),y2(x),y3(x) , which are related to each other as:
My questions:
  1. How to impose these relations as a constraint to a least-squares/optimization problem ? So far I belive that fmincon is the appropriate tool for the job, but i'm not sure of the exact implementation.
  2. Should i loop over the given measurment vectors and averege out the parameters or is there a method of finding unique parameters a,b,k and m for these vectors by default ?
One possible approach:
Given that these vectors depened on x, it seems natural to combine the two functions and obtain the y(x) functional form. This way, problem is reduced to fitting the function:
I've tried implementing this as writing the objective function as:
separating k and m varables for each measurement vector and imposing the constraint to these variables as:
Thereby, the goal is to find a,b,k1 and m1, as these correspond to the parameters k and m.
This has been implemented as following:
x = linspace(1,100,100);
% Measurement results:
% Point for minimization
xvalue = 50;
y1value = y1(xvalue);
y2value = y2(xvalue);
y3value = y3(xvalue);
% Objective function:
problem.objective = @(x)(y1value-(x(1)*(x(3))^2)*xvalue^2-(2*x(1)*x(3)*x(6)+x(2)*x(3))*xvalue-(x(2)*x(6)+x(1)*(x(6))^2))^2 + (y2value-(x(1)*(x(4))^2)*xvalue^2-(2*x(1)*x(4)*x(7)+x(2)*x(4))*xvalue-(x(2)*x(7)+x(1)*(x(7))^2))^2 + (y3value-(x(1)*(x(5))^2)*xvalue^2-(2*x(1)*x(5)*x(8)+x(2)*x(5))*xvalue-(x(2)*x(8)+x(1)*(x(8))^2))^2;
% x(1) = a, x(2) = b, x(3) = k1, x(4) = k2, x(5) = k3, x(6) = m1, x(7) = m2, x(8) = m3
%% Real parameter values:
% x(1) = -4e-6
% x(2) = 3e-4
% x(3) = -0.8
% x(4) = -1.6
% x(5) = -2.4
% x(6) = 105
% x(7) = 210
% x(8) = 315
%% = [-1 -1 -5 -5 -5 0 0 0]; % Lower bound
problem.ub = [1 1 0 0 0 1000 1000 1000]; % Upper bound
problem.x0 = [-0.5,0.5,-2,-4,-6,100,200,300]; % Initial solution
problem.nonlcon = @film_constraint; % Constraints function handle
x = fmincon(problem)
function [c, ceq] = film_constraint(x)
c = [];
ceq = [x(7)-2*x(6); x(8)-3*x(6); x(5)-3*x(3);x(4)-2*x(3)];
So far it seems like this approach is not giving the plausible results.
I would be very thankful for any suggestion and/or comment!

Best Answer

How about just using fminsearch
x = linspace(1,100,100);
% Measurement results:
K0 = [0.1 0 0 1]; % initial guesses for [a b k m]
K = fminsearch(@(K) fn(K,y1,y2,y3,x), K0);
a = K(1); b = K(2); k = K(3); m = K(4);
disp([a b k m])
Z1 = k*x + m;
Y1 = a*Z1.^2 + b*Z1;
Z2 = 2*Z1;
Y2 = a*Z2.^2 + b*Z2;
Z3 = 3*Z1;
Y3 = a*Z3.^2 + b*Z3;
hold on
legend('y1 data','y2 data','y3 data', 'y1 fit', 'y2 fit', 'y3 fit')
text(10,0.52,['[a b k m] = ',num2str([a b k m],4)]);
function F = fn(K,y1,y2,y3,x)
a = K(1); b = K(2); k = K(3); m = K(4);
Z1 = k*x + m;
Y1 = a*Z1.^2 + b*Z1;
Z2 = 2*Z1;
Y2 = a*Z2.^2 + b*Z2;
Z3 = 3*Z1;
Y3 = a*Z3.^2 + b*Z3;
F = norm(Y1-y1) + norm(Y2-y2) + norm(Y3-y3);