MATLAB: Holding matlab execution while dos/system command is running

batch filedoshold dossystem

Hi all,
Z (see code below) is a batch file to be executed using 'dos'. The challenge however is that V requires 'x.log' which is an output files after completely executing the batch file. What I observe is error message saying that the output file do not exist; apparently because the 'x.log' is yet to be generated by the batch file. Please How can I make matlab hold on until after the batch file has been completed so that the x.log file can be available as input to V?
z = dos('x.bat'); v = fileread('x.log')
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Maybe you can enter a loop until it's created
z = dos('x.bat');
% Wait for file to be created.
maxSecondsToWait = 100; % Wait 100 seconds at most.
secondsWaitedSoFar = 0;
while secondsWaitedSoFar < maxSecondsToWait
if exist('x.log', 'file')
pause(1); % Wait 1 second.
secondsWaitedSoFar = secondsWaitedSoFar + 1;
if exist('x.log', 'file')
v = fileread('x.log')
warningMessage = sprintf('Warning: x.log never got created after waiting %d seconds', secondsWaitedSoFar);