MATLAB: Hold on is not working

figure plot hold

I need to plot an image (using pcolor). On this image, the user has to select 2 points, which then have to be visualized. This is what I have so far:
%plot image
figure(1); pcolor(filtered); colormap(gray); shading interp; axis off; title('title'); axis equal tight;
%get input
hold on
[x_in(1),y_in(1)] = ginput(1);
p1 = plot(x_in(1),y_in(1),'b.');
set(p1, 'Markersize',15);
[x_in(2),y_in(2)] = ginput(1);
p2 = plot(x_in(2),y_in(2),'g.');
set(p2, 'Markersize',15);
hold off
Only problem: the points are not showing…what am i doing wrong?

Best Answer

It's because you used pcolor for some reason. Use image() or imshow() and it will work fine. Is there some reason why you wanted to use pcolor (which rmeoves a row and column of your data) rather than a normal image display function?