MATLAB: Ho to get rid of repeated cells in cells arrays functions

MATLABrepeated cells

I have a cells array as follows:
contextt =
{24x1 cell} {25x1 cell} {26x1 cell}
I need to find the repeated cells in each column of the cells..
I used the following code , but doesn't help
with the following error:
Cannot support cell arrays containing cell arrays or objects
I changed the command 'rows' to 'columns' in the secod fucntion , but also doesn't work… also I want to results to be shown for the cells array contextt any advice Regards

Best Answer

contextt={{1 2 3 4},{1 1 2 5},{2 2 2 6 7}}
out=cellfun(@(x) unique(cell2mat(x)),contextt,'un',0)