MATLAB: Histogram plot not displaying


I am relatively new to Matlab, and I am trying to create a histogram plot. I am able to generate histograms, but they only display the information about the histogram and not the plot itself. Any suggestions? I am using the example code from the documentation.
x = randn(10000,1);
h = histogram(x)

Best Answer

The output argument h is a handle to the graphical object created by the histogram function. If you have one or more figure windows open one of those windows should contain the histogram. If you don't, you might have created an invisible figure window or a figure window that's hidden behind another window. In that case try these commands:
% Obtain the handle of the figure that contains the histogram
handleOfHistogramFigure = ancestor(h, 'figure');
% Make the figure window visible in case it was invisible before
handleOfHistogramFigure.Visible = 'on'
% Bring the figure window to the front