MATLAB: Histogram function, bins and edges


Hi everybody,
I´m trying to plot some histogramms of different vectors, and therefore i need to determine as well the number of bins as the Edges for the histogramm. when changing either of them, Matlab changes the other one automatically, is there a way i can determine these numbers by myself?
h = histogram(v,"NumBins",100,'Normalization','probability', "BinEdges", [5.4536e+03:1.2093e+05])
I tried to put everything in as input arguments, but the histogramm has different values:
h =
Histogram with properties:
Data: [66001×1 double]
Values: [1×115476 double]
NumBins: 115476
BinEdges: [1×115477 double]
BinWidth: 1
BinLimits: [5.4536e+03 1.2093e+05]
Normalization: 'probability'
FaceColor: 'auto'
EdgeColor: [0 0 0]

Best Answer

If you want 100 bins use:
h = histogram(v,"NumBins",100,'Normalization','probability', "BinEdges", linspace(5.4536e+03,1.2093e+05,101)) ;