MATLAB: Histcounts on matrice row by row, how to get rid of the loop


Hi All, I have got a simple Matrice let say M( double 10*100) I need histcounts of every row, so far i do:
for iLoop=1:10
I hate loop, i think they look disguting, how can i get rid of this one? Cheers Medie

Best Answer

Interesting that histcounts will not do what hist does easily.
For an illustration, try this — no loops necessary:
x = randn(100,3);
[N,edges] = hist(x, 25, 1);
grid on
EDIT Using a cell array with histcounts avoids the loop:
x = randn(3,100);
xc = mat2cell(x, ones(1,size(x,1)), size(x,2)); % Split Matrix Into Cells By Row
[hcell,hedges] = cellfun(@(x) histcounts(x,25), xc, 'Uni',0); % Do ‘histcounts’ On Each Column
hmtx = cell2mat(hcell); % Recover Numeric Matrix From Cell Array
edges = cell2mat(hedges); % Recover ‘edges’ For Each Histogram