MATLAB: Hintializing variables with different numbers and saving them in a matrix


I have a question about initializing variables that contain different numbers in a matrix.
For example,
I want to obtain matrix V by using while loop:
V = [V1;V2;V3…..;Vn].
Instead of manually writing V1, V2, V3 .. in matrix V, I want it to be done by using a loop!
Thank you.

Best Answer

This is asked daily for many years now. See:
The answer is always the same: Don't do this. Create an array instead and use the numbers as indices. This is faster, nicer, more flexible, easier to debug, to maintain, to expand and to read.
V = zeros(1, n); % For scalars
m = 7;
M = zeros(m, n); % For column vectors
C = cell(1, n); % For variables with different sizes
for k = 1:n
V(k) = k ^ 2;
M(:, k) = rand(m, 1);
C{k} = sprintf('%g', k);