MATLAB: Hi,i am trying to run the following program,but it shows index out of bounds .length of the signal loaded is=10240 and when i am taking square for x ,it shows index out of bounds error and also one more error is undefined function chebyshev

average shannon erengy

function segmentation_Shennon
close all
clear all
% Load the data file
[F, Fs] = audioread ('1.wav');
pcg = F (:, 2);
t = 0: 1 / Fs: (length (F) -1) / Fs;
%%We normalize and filter the signal with a Chebyshev filter of 1 8th order NP with a frequency of medium 882 Hz
pcg_filter = chebushev1 (pcg, Fs);
pcg_norm = pcg_filter./abs(max(pcg_filter));
% calculate the energy of Shannon
shennon_energy = - ((pcg_norm. ^ 2). * log (pcg_norm. ^ 2));
figure (1)
plot (t, shennon_energy)
% calculate the average Shannon energy in a segment lasting 0.02 s
% with an overlap of 0.01 s
win = 0.002 * Fs;
i = 1;
k = 1;
Es = [];
Es_t = [];
P = [];
while i <length (pcg_norm)
for i = i: i + win
square = pcg_norm (i). ^ 2;
Es (k) = -1 / win * sum (square. * Log (square));
ES_t (k) = t (i);
i = i + round (win / 2);
k = k + 1;
% we normalize Shannon's averaged energy
M_Es = (mean (Es)); % mean energy of the segment
S_Es = (std (Es (k-1))); % standard deviation of the energy of the segment
P (k) = (Es (k-1) -M_Es) / S_Es; % Shannon's normalized averaged energy,
plot (t, P)

Best Answer

You appear to have a typing mistake: you used chebushev1 but the English version of the name is chebyshev . However there is no chebyshev1 function: there is cheby1 and there is the MuPAD orthopoly:chebyshev1 which is not likely what you are wanting to call.
With respect to the out of range: you have
pcg = F (:, 2);
which assumes that F has two or more columns, which would correspond to two or more channels. If your '1.wav' is mono then it would only have one column, F(:,1);