MATLAB: Highligh a curve from a 3D plot

3d plotcurve selection

I would like to highlight a curve (representing the maximum values of the curves) that is part of a 3D plot. I attach one picture for a reference (my objective is to obtain something like the red thick displayed in the figure). graph.png

Best Answer

Try something like this:
v = -1:0.1:1.2; % Create Data

[X,Y] = ndgrid(v); % Create Data
Z = exp(-(X.^2-Y.^2)); % Create Data
[zmax,idx] = max(Z,[],2); % Find Maximum (Choose Dimension)
surf(X, Y, Z)
hold on
plot3(v, ones(size(v))*max(v(:)), zmax, '-r', 'LineWidth',2.5)
hold off
grid on
producing (for these values):
1Highligh a curve from a 3D plot - 2020 01 30.png