MATLAB: High CPU usage at idle (R2016b)

r2016b cpu usage idle

When I start Matlab R2016b my CPU usage at idle is in a range of about 25 % even though I don't do anything on the PC. The Processor I use is a Intel Core i5-6300.
I already tried to set the Help Browser to use the HTMLRenderer, even though I have read that this shouldn't be an issue since the 2015 releases: com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.HtmlComponentFactory.setDefaultType('HTMLRENDERER');
I don't have any issues when I start Matlab 2013b.

Best Answer

It is hard to tell the cause of this behavior without information about your system or whether some code is running.
Here are the plausible causes:
- Low on-system RAM
- Loading some data or executing commands in 'startup.m'. You could rule out this possibility by checking if you have any commands in your 'startup' file. To open this file, execute the following command in MATLAB Command Window:
>> edit startup
- Interaction with graphics card. Certain graphics card and drivers have been known to cause this issue. If it is a graphics issue, you can switch to 'softwareopengl' to resolve this. If you have figured out this is indeed a graphics card issue, the best idea would be to update your driver to latest version (or roll it back to previous version if you have the most updated one.)
- Certain users have reported performance issues on Windows 7, when they have set up "Aero" theme. If you are using this windows theme, consider changing it to see if it resolves the issue.
- Run a benchmark by typing "bench" in the command window. It will show the performance of some standard algorithms on your computer.
If you are still facing issue, you can contact The MathWorks' Technical Support team by creating a new help ticket: