MATLAB: Hide push button in GUI using visible on/off

guiguideimage processingMATLABmatlab gui

Hi guys, I'm trying to hide some push button in GUI by using
so I have five push button and I want to hide some of them in loop see the code
for i=1:10
SS = ['handles.push_' num2str(i)];
here I want to hide the button depend on i but it gave me an error …

Best Answer

SS = handles.( ['push' num2str(i)] );
should work. You should use more meaningful variable names though.
Your code includes 2 mistakes - one trivial one that you include a '_' in your attempt to create the pushbutton name and one coding mistake:
SS is a string in your code. The set call requires the pushbutton object - i.e. the object stored on handles, not the name of it. You can put together a field name dynamically as I did above using ( ) syntax on the struct. The result of this will then be the pushbutton object, not a string.