MATLAB: Hide multiple ‘edit text’


Hi everybody. I have several edit texts where I'm trying to read the SoC and SoH values of cells in a GUI. I now want to hide all edit texts that will not be used (determined by a number from a dropdown menu). The edit text tags use a continuous numeration (SoH_C1_1, SoH_C2_1, SoH_C3_1 and so on) I now tried using a for loop to hide all the unwanted edit texts
for i = 2:x
name = strcat('SoH_C',num2str(i),'_1')
Is it somehow possible to use the variable 'name' as shown above?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

set(H,Name,Value) specifies a value for the property Name on the object identified by H.
The string(name) you are creating is of type char. You cannot use this value directly in set command instead, you can use this value to find the objects with the same Tag name and set their visibility to 'Off'
for i = 2:x
name = strcat('SoH_C',num2str(i),'_1')
set(a, 'Visible','Off')
Hope the above helps