MATLAB: Hi. when i am trying to Controlling Robot Motion in Simulink, getting following error. please suggest about it. thank you.

mobile robot training librarysimulink

Error in S-function 'MobileRobotSimulink1/Robot Simulator/Soft Real Time': S-Function 'sfun_time' does not exist
Component:Simulink | Category:Block error

Best Answer

This error usually occurs when you don't run the file "installMRTToolbox" included in the training files. This should be on the main directory for the submission here:
You will need a compiler to compile the s-funciton for the block and then everything should work. This is prompted when the install file is executed.
Alternatively, if you are using MATLAB R2018a or newer you can delete the block form the library and use Simulation pacing instead. To do this:
  1. Right-click the Robot Simulator and select Library Link>Go to library block
  2. Unlock the library by clicking the lock on the bottom left corner
  3. Right-click the Robot Simulator block in the library and select Mask>Look under mask
  4. Delete the "Soft Real Time" block
  5. Save the library
You can enable Simulation Pacing from the run button. This will slow down the simulation to real-time speed.
Find here more details on simulation pacing:
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