MATLAB: Hi I tried to run the following and it keeps giving me the following. Can somebody help me fix it.

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%Question # 1D
alpha=1 beta=2 sigma=2 BetaOLS_Vector=ones(1000,2) for i=1:1000 x=normrnd(2,1,[200,1]); e=normrnd(0,sigma,[200,1]); y=alpha + beta*x +e(i); Con=ones(200,1); xn=[Con x]; BetaOLS_Vector(i)= inv(xn'*xn)*xn'*y end
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in ProblemTwoQuestionOne (line 16) BetaOLS_Vector(i)= inv(xn'*xn)*xn'*y

Best Answer

The problem here is that inv(xn'*xn)*xn'*y has two elements in a size 2 x 1 vector, while you are trying to place them in a single element position in BetaOLS_Vector(i). Matlab doesn't like that.
Probably you mean this:
BetaOLS_Vector(i,:)= inv(xn'*xn)*xn'*y;