MATLAB: Hi i run a code and get this errror.and i m unable to solve it can any body help


imgpath = strcat({'/home/amit/Desktop/project/Local Tetra Patterns/Resized Images'});
for index2 = 1:Num_Sample
d_roi{index2,1}= imread(strcat(imgpath,'\',SampleList(index2,:),'.bmp'));
the error which i get is
Error using imread>parse_inputs (line 457)
The file name or URL argument must be a string.
Error in imread (line 316)
[filename, fmt_s, extraArgs] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
Error in Working_code_temp (line 31) d_roi{index2,1}= imread(strcat(imgpath,'\',SampleList(index2,:),'.bmp'));
what can i do as i m new to matlab one more thing i have a linux on my lappy so is there is any issue with that.

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