MATLAB: Hi! I have a problem in the function, Error in MATLAB

arraysindex must be a positive integer or logical.MATLAB

Use Wellis product= pi/2=2/1∗2/3∗4/3∗4/5∗6/5∗ … in a function in MATLAB that receives the relative error willing to accept and return the user a vector with all values of π and other vector estimated with relative errors associated with each value of π. (This is in arrays). Thanks a lot. But, MATLAB gives me an error:
Attempted to access ret(0); index must be a positive integer or logical.
Error in pi_value (line 13)
ret(i) = 2 * (ret(i - 1) / 2) * temp;
The function is the following:
function[e, ret] = pi_value(err)
ret = [4];
value = 0;
e = inf;
i = 1;
while e > err
temp = 0;
if mod(i, 2) == 0
temp = i / (i + 1);
temp = (i + 1) / i;
ret(i) = 2 * (ret(i - 1) / 2) * temp;
e = abs(ret(i) - ret(i - 1));
Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

function[e, ret] = pi_value(err)
ret = 4;
e = inf;
i = 1;
while e > err
i = i+1 ;
if mod(i, 2) == 0
temp = i / (i + 1);
temp = (i + 1) / i;
ret(i) = 2 * (ret(i - 1) / 2) * temp;
e = abs(ret(i) - ret(i - 1));
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