MATLAB: Hi! i have a error in example file.

exampleFinancial Toolbox

what i can do ? to fix this error?

Best Answer

You are trying to call a function that is not in your current folder nor on your path.
It looks like this is the example you are trying to use:
Note that the function called by this script is included in-file at the botton.
function [infoRatio,wts] = infoRatioTargetReturn(targetReturn,portObj)
% Calculate information ratio for a target-return portfolio along the
% efficient frontier
wts = estimateFrontierByReturn(portObj,targetReturn);
portRiskAct = estimatePortRisk(portObj,wts);
infoRatio = targetReturn/portRiskAct;
You would need to create an m-file function for this function if you want to run this example from the command window. Better to just open the live script example and run it in the editor.