MATLAB: Hi, I can’t solution this problem. Please help me.


Let X be a discrete random variable such that P[X = x] = 0 otherwise. Suppose the CDF is F(x) = .05x(1+ x) at the values x = 1, 2, 3, or 4.
1) Sketch the graph of the CDF(cumulative distribution function)
Solution to (1):We can plot this discrete CDF in a program like Matlab by using the floor 1×1 operator: F(x) = .05 1×1 (1+ 1×1). Here is the plot of the CDF on the interval [O,5]:
2) Sketch the graph of the discrete pdf, f(x)

Best Answer

I don't know what a floor 1x1 operator is. I don't see why you can't just do
x = 1 : 4;
Fx = .05 * x .* (1 + x)
plot(x, Fx, 'b*');
like it says.
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