MATLAB: Hi, I am working on a set of code implying the ANN. My end purpose is to plot a comparison graph between actual output and simulated output. However, there isn’t any points displayed in the plot. What is the correct syntax

artificial neural networkplot

TA=A' % Transpose the Input and Output data from column to row matrix
[NA,PS]=mapminmax(TA) %Normalize the transposed input and output data
for i=1:20;
net = feedforwardnet(i,'trainlm'); = 50; = 0.05;
net.trainParam.epochs = 300;
net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5;
[net,tr] = train(net,NA,NR1);
[trainInd,valInd,testInd] = dividerand(20,0.7,0.15,0.15); %Divide data randomly
TY=mapminmax('reverse',Y,TS); %Denormalize simulated data
plot(i,TR1,'red',i,TY,'blue') % Plot comparison graph of experimental output data and simulated data
title('Graph of Comparison between Experimental Output Data and Simulated Data')
xlabel('Experimental Input Data')
ylabel('Experimental Output Data and Simulated Data')
legend('Experimental Output Data','Simulated Data')

Best Answer

However, there isn't any points displayed in my plot. What is the correct syntax?
plot(i,TR1,'-or',i,TY,'-ob') % add 'o' as marker to view the data points