MATLAB: Hi I am trying to solve a system of equations using fsolve or something similar with 4 variables. Please help

44 variablesfsolvemyfunnon-linear equationsnonlinear

Equations are
r(1)= sqrt((x-15600)^2+(y-7540)^2+(z-20140)^2)-(300000(0.07074-d))
I am trying to use fsolve
F=nle(x) ; I am actually substitution x,y,z,d as x(1)….x(4)
Then writing the equation for F and then i do x0= a range which i dont understand at all what to pick.
And then fsolve(@nle,x0)
I am getting a lot of errors and nowhere near to my answer.

Best Answer

Rishav, try
function r = test(r0)
% options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter'); % new as of R2013a
% options = optimset('Display','iter','TolFun',1e-8); % before R2013a
% [r,fval] = fsolve(@myfun,r0,options)
[r,fval] = fsolve(@myfun,r0)
function F = myfun(r)
x = r(1);
y = r(2);
z = r(3);
d = r(4);
F = [sqrt((x-15600)^2+(y-7540)^2 +(z-20140)^2)-(300000*(0.07074-d));...
sqrt((x-18760)^2+(y-2750)^2 +(z-18610)^2)-(300000*(0.07220-d));...
sqrt((x-19170)^2+(y-610)^2 +(z-18340)^2)-(300000*(0.07242-d))];
and use in the MATLAB command window
r0 = [15000 10000 20000 0];
r = test(r0)