MATLAB: Hi. I am trying to create a loop to multiply two matricies 40 times such that B*C=D1 and C*D1=D2 and B*D2=D3 and so on . I am very much new to matlab. Can anyone help me on this

creating a loop for matrix multiplication

I am trying to create a loop to multiply two matricies 40 times such that B*C=D1 and C*D1=D2 and B*D2=D3 and so on . I am very much new to matlab. Can anyone help me on this ?

Best Answer

Try this:
b = randi(9, 2, 2)
c = randi(9, 2, 2)
D{1} = b * c;
for k = 2 : 5 % End wherever you want
theRemainder = rem(k, 2);
% Alternate multiplying by b or c
if theRemainder == 0
D{k} = c * D{k-1};
D{k} = b * D{k-1};
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