MATLAB: Hi, how to extracted a linear model from the nonlinear neural NARX using Instantaneous Linearization in MATLAB?, there is any command for doing Instantaneous Linearization for NARX in MATLAB? please help me. thanks.

instantaneous linearizationlinear systemMATLABnarxneural networksnonlinear system

Hi, how to extracted a linear model from the nonlinear neural NARX using Instantaneous Linearization in MATLAB?, there is any command for doing Instantaneous Linearization for NARX in MATLAB? please help me. thanks.

Best Answer

For linear models
net = feedforwardnet([]);
net = narxnet(ID,FD,[]);
NOTE: for obsolete functions (e.g., newff) the empty bracket may have to be replaced by the numeral 0.
Hope this helps.
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