MATLAB: Hi, how can I divide this signal into 3 segments? The first segment I want to be the signal before the major peak, the second segment would be the major peak and the last segment would be the signal after the peak.

signalsignal processingsignal segmentation

The first segment I want to be the signal before the major peak, the second segment would be the major peak and the third segment would be the signal after the major peak. You can find the signal attached.

Best Answer

One approach:
The Code —
D = load('signals (1).mat');
Signal = D.Signal; % Get ‘Signal’
N = length(Signal);
t = linspace(0, 1, N) * N; % Create Time Vector
[pk,loc] = findpeaks(Signal, 'MinPeakHeight',1); % Determine Indices Of Various Components
[trofs,trlocs] = findpeaks(-Signal);
ltidx = find(trlocs < loc, 1, 'last');
gtidx = find(trlocs > loc, 1, 'first');
Out{1} = {Signal(1:trlocs(ltidx)); Signal(trlocs(ltidx)+1:trlocs(gtidx)-1); Signal(trlocs(gtidx):end)}; % ‘Signal’ Cell Array
Out{2} = {t(1:trlocs(ltidx)); t(trlocs(ltidx)+1:trlocs(gtidx)-1); t(trlocs(gtidx):N)}; % ‘t’ Cell Array
plot(Out{2}{1}, Out{1}{1}, 'r')
hold on
plot(Out{2}{2}, Out{1}{2}, 'g')
plot(Out{2}{3}, Out{1}{3}, 'b')
hold off
The Plot —