MATLAB: Hi Friends, how to implement vision.peopleDetector (to identify human beings in images) in raspberry pi to make it standalone without even connecting to host computer

standalone embedded systemvision.peopledetector

Hi Friends, I am working on detecting human beings in images for which vision.peopleDetector (a system object that uses hog and trained svm classifier for this purpose) in cv toolbox gave perfect results.I want to make this code run in raspberry pi as a standalone embedded system without even connecting to host computer (something like arduino where the code runs once powered on).When I searched for this I found simulink and generating C code are the two options. But since I am using trial package I do not have embedded system toolbox so I can't go with second option and is it possible to develop a simulink model for vision.peopleDetector? if so how should I do? can someone guide me in this regard.thanks in advance.