MATLAB: Hi, everyone i have an array of 500 random values i want to plot a pdf from this kindly help me. I am uploading array file.

ad hocarray

I am uploading array file have a look please.

Best Answer

help hist
Though, it will probably be rather a waste of time.
See that little blip at zero? It looks like there are three points near zero. Apparently garbage data, since the remainder are near 500.
T_Ag =
Columns 1 through 12
0.00014548 0.020942 0.021122 466.66 466.7 466.7 466.74 466.74 467.1 467.1 467.23 467.23
Columns 13 through 24
467.23 467.24 467.24 467.24 467.24 467.24 467.26 467.26 467.26 467.35 467.35 467.36
But, even if we scrap those points, and look at the remainder? Still awaste of time.
A multi-modal mess, with disjoint populations.
Exactly what distribution do you honestly think this comes from?