MATLAB: Hi all! Could you please help me understand this piece of code here

hi all! could you please help me understand this piece of code here?

%% setup
hold all
a = arduino('COM3', 'Uno');
mpu = i2cdev(a,'0x68'); %mpu adress is normally 0x68
writeRegister(mpu, hex2dec('B6'), hex2dec('00'), 'int16'); %reset
data = zeros(10000,14,'int8'); %prelocating for the speed
j = 1;
a1 = animatedline('Color',[1 0 0]);
a2 = animatedline('Color',[0 1 0]);
a3 = animatedline('Color',[0 0 1]);
%% loop
for i=59:72 % 14 Data Registers for Accel,Temp,Gyro
data(j,x) = readRegister(mpu, i, 'int8');
x = x + 1;
y = swapbytes(typecast(data(j,:), 'int16')) %if your system is big-endian remove the swapbytes function
j = j+1;
drawnow limitrate

Best Answer

It initializes an i2c register on the arduino. It loops indefinitely. Each cycle it reads 14 bytes of data that are in big-Endian order. It rearranges the data to be 16 bit little-Endian signed 16 bit integers. It takes the first three of those and adds them to the plot and ignores the rest.
After 10000 points it will slow down a lot for memory allocation reasons.
The code could be trimmed a bit, such as not reading the values it is not going to use.