MATLAB: Help with using arrays to create variables


I'm trying to use arrays to create variables related to 32 different satellites (which I currently have fully written out it's awful making changes) orbiting a planet and am getting stuck quite early on. As a small example I'm trying to get working, I've got two angles for each satellite (being done in blocks of 8), th0(i) and th(i). The angle th0 works fine, however th relies upon th0 and a parameter, also an angle, called M, which relies on time. As I have 148 timesteps, M is a 148×1 array. When I input my code below, I get an error about the element numbers not matching up. I tried using the transverse of th and th0 but no joy. Can anyone suggest my next move?
%%Relevant parameters
timestep = 600;
G = 6.67408*10^-11; %[m^3kg^-1s^-2]
% Mars data
Mars.m = 6.39*10^23; %[kg] = Mars.m*G; %[m^3s^-2]
Mars.r = 3389.5*10^3; %[m]

Mars.v = 241.17; %[ms^-1]
Mars.T = (2*pi*Mars.r)/Mars.v; %[s]

Mars.o = Mars.v/Mars.r; %[rads^-1] = Mars.o*timestep; %[rad] for every second
t = (0:timestep:Mars.T)'; %Mars.T, Length of martian day in seconds
H1 = 9610.5*10^3; %[m]
a1 = Mars.r + H1; %[m]
T1 = 2*pi*sqrt(a1^3/; %[s]
n1 = (2*pi)/T1; %[kms^-1]
M1 = n1*t; %[rad]
%%Test Section
th0 = zeros(1,length(t));
th = zeros(1,length(t));
for i = 1:8
th0(i) = deg2rad(45*(i-1));
th(i) = th0(i) + 2*atan(tan(M1/2));

Best Answer

%%Relevant parameters
timestep = 600;
G = 6.67408*10^-11;
% Mars data
Mars.m = 6.39*10^23; %[kg] = Mars.m*G; %[m^3s^-2]
Mars.r = 3389.5*10^3; %[m]

Mars.v = 241.17; %[ms^-1]
Mars.T = (2*pi*Mars.r)/Mars.v; %[s]

Mars.o = Mars.v/Mars.r; %[rads^-1] = Mars.o*timestep; %[rad] for every second
t = (0:timestep:Mars.T)'; %Mars.T, Length of martian day in seconds
H1 = 9610.5*10^3; %[m]
a1 = Mars.r + H1; %[m]
T1 = 2*pi*sqrt(a1^3/; %[s]
n1 = (2*pi)/T1; %[kms^-1]
M1 = n1*t; %[rad]
%%Test Section
th0 = zeros(1,length(t));
th = zeros(1,length(t));
for i = 1:148
th0(i) = deg2rad(45*(i-1));
th = th0'+ 2*atan(tan(M1/2));
Best regards
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