MATLAB: Help with Summation in Matlab

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitesymsum

Hi guys i have the follwoing code that I am stuggling to get running.
Any help would be appreaciated?
% The Given Data
x_1=4; %Assign Initial Values of x
y_1=0; %Assign Initial Values of y
t_j =Data(:,1); %assign Values of t
V_xj= Data(:,2); %Assign Values of V_xj
V_yj= Data(:,3); %Assign Values of V_yj
k = (1:4);
x_k= symsum(V_xj(t_j+1 - t_j)+x_1,1i,1,k-1); %Calculate values of x_k
y_k= symsum(V_yj(t_j+1 - t_j)+y_1,1i,1,k-1); %Calculate values of y_k

Best Answer

My guess:
x_k = sum(diff(t_j(1:k)) .* V_xj(1:k-1) + x_1);
but the x_1 does not make sense to me in that location: why would you want to add it for each k value?
... When k = 1, is x_k intended to refer to the same place thing as x_1 ?
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