MATLAB: Help with sort function


I am writing my own sorting function, I've gotten the minimum value for the array and set that to the other array, and I couldn't figure out how to get rid of that minimum value in the original array and tell the program to find the next smallest minimum value. Here's my code so far
x = [6 5 3 5 9 10 438 4 1 4 7 0 4 8 4 2];
len = length(x);
minval = x(1);
for n = 1:len
for i = 1:len
if x(i) < minval
minval = x(i);
sortval(n) = minval;
I was thinking maybe I could delete that value, but doing that would change the size of the array and it wouldn't work.

Best Answer

You can sort the vector "inplace": Move the minimum value to front and start the next iteration at the next element:
x = [6 5 3 5 9 10 438 4 1 4 7 0 4 8 4 2];
len = length(x);
for n = 1:len
minind = n;
minval = x(n);
for i = n+1:len % Start at n+1
if x(i) < minval
minval = x(i);
minind = i; % Remember index
tmp = x(n); % Swap current with minimal element
x(n) = minval;
x(minind) = tmp;
Finally x contains the sorted array and the processing time is reduced, because the inner loop is shortend. (By the way: You can omit the last iteration)
Have fun with developping sorting algorithms. This is an interesting topic and it is worth to dig in WikiPedia.