MATLAB: Help with SelectionChangeFcn (or how to define the callback function to trigger a specific response)


Hi, I'm not a great expert with uicontrols and more specifically with uibuttongroups and I need some help.
The thing is I've defined a buttongroup with three radiobuttons linked to it:
dpb = uibuttongroup('FontSize',12,'Position',[.015 .65 .17 .28]);
u0 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','P-130',...
'Position',[30 110 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','1');
u1 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','FAST',...
'Position',[30 65 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','2');
u2 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','SLOW',...
'Position',[30 20 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','3');
Then I added some properties to the uibuttongroup:
set(dpb,'SelectedObject',[]); % No selection
set(dpb,'SelectionChangeFcn',@dpbcbk); %Deceleration profile's callback
In other part of my script I've created a edit uicontrol (pdp is a uipanel which is parented to) that I want to be updated with a given value depending on the user selection of the aforementioned uibuttongroup:
edt4 = uicontrol(pdp,'Style','edit','Position',[330 200 80 20]);
My problem is to define properly the callback function to get this done. I've tried it (although to no avail) with the following callback:
function dpbcbk(source,eventdata)
switch get(eventdata.NewValue,'tag')
case '1'
case '2'
case '3'
This are the error messages I get:
Undefined function or variable 'edt4'.
Error in dpbcbk (line 8)
Error in hgfeval (line 63)
Error in uitools.uibuttongroup/childAddedCbk>manageButtons (line 79)
hgfeval(cbk, source, evdata);
I know that there is something that I'm missing, but I don't know much about how to work with callbacks. Any input is welcome.

Best Answer

Ismael - you can try nesting your callback within your function that creates the GUI. A benefit of nested functions is that they have access to the local variables within the "main" function. Try the following
function build_GUI
% create the figure
hFig = figure('Position',[0 0 968 542]);
% create the button group
dpb = uibuttongroup('FontSize',12,'Position',[.015 .65 .17 .28]);
% add the radio buttons to the button group
u0 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','P-130',...
'Position',[30 110 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','1');
u1 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','FAST',...
'Position',[30 65 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','2');
u2 = uicontrol(dpb,'Style','radiobutton','String','SLOW',...
'Position',[30 20 100 30],'BackgroundColor',[.8,.8,.8],'Tag','3');
% set the callbacks
set(dpb,'SelectedObject',[]); % No selection
set(dpb,'SelectionChangeFcn',@dpbcbk); %Deceleration profile's callback
% do other stuff
% create the edit box (note hFig being used instead of your pdp)
edt4 = uicontrol(hFig,'Style','edit','Position',[330 200 80 20]);
% define the (nested) button group callback
function dpbcbk(source,eventdata)
switch get(eventdata.NewValue,'tag')
case '1'
case '2'
case '3'
end % end for dpbcbk
end % end for build_GUI
Now, the SelectionChangeFcn callback, which hasn't changed, has access to the edt4 handle, a local variable of build_GUI, and can update this control.
Try the above and see what happens!