MATLAB: Help with saving to matlab

hey everyone, i am trying to save to matlab on my windows based computer but I get the error message (and warning) Warning: Invalid escape sequence appears in format string.
My code is attached (unfortunately this old comuter does not show the option to add nice code.)
i will not attach my function but here is me using it to call and save:
chooseEquation = 'poggiolini'; for att_db=0.19/1e3:0.01/1e3:0.20/1e3 %dirname =sprintf('C:\Documents and Settings\zceeg80\My Documents\MATLAB\simplifyCode %d',att_db);
[ResultsPogQPSK1 ] = MaxReachAnalytical(chooseEquation ,att_db);
fname= sprintf('C:\Documents and Settings\zceeg80\My Documents\MATLAB\simplifyCode\result.dat'); save(fname,ResultsPogQPSK1);
end [\code]
Anyone know what Im doing wrong? Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer

fname= sprintf('%s',...
'C:\Documents and Settings\zceeg80\My Documents\MATLAB\simplifyCode\result.dat')
>>doc sprintf