MATLAB: Help with return to nested loop

breakfunctionsif statementlooploopsnested loopreturnwhile loop

Hi, I need help with loops,
I have a while loop and in it I need to check input so I used nestef if
if the input is not valid it will print a msg and what I cannot seem to do is to send it beck to the beginning of the while loop to insert a different input
But whenever I try to print break or return at the end of the if, it just ends the whole function and not returns to the beggining of the loop

Best Answer

From what I got you want to do something like that? It is easier to get an idea, if you provide the code you have written so far. The break or return statement does not end the if statement but the loop you are currently in.
inputArray = logical([1 0 1 0 0]); % can be strings and other numbers
nInput = length(inputArray);
ii = 1; % initialize index counter
while ii ~= nInput % nInput = number of arguments you want to check
if inputArray(ii) == false % or strcmp(inputArray(ii),'some condition') or ...
% input is wrong, display a message
disp('Something went wrong')
% increase counter
ii = ii + 1;
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