MATLAB: Help with Padovan Sequence

fibonacci sequencepadovan sequence

I have a question that says
P(0)=P(1)=P(2)=1 , P(n)=P(n-2)+P(n-3)
use for loops to get a script for p(n)
I have written
function y=padovan(n)
P(1)=1; P(2)=1; P(3)=1;
for v=4:n
As you can see I have had to started at P(1)=P(2)=P(3)=1 instead of P(0)=P(1)=P(2)=1 as I get an error when trying to define P(0)=1, how would I change my script to include and start at P(0) instead of P(1) as I have done.

Best Answer

You cannot start at P(0) because matlab does not let you index at 0. However, you can make it so that it works as expected. Everywhere that you have n, replace it with n+1.
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