MATLAB: Help with nesting subfunctions

eulerhomeworknested functionssubfunctions

I have an assignment that requires me to use a nested subfunction to produce a plot, and am not sure how to incorporate it. The exact problem states:
Recall Euler’s formula from analytical calculus: ei·x = cos(x) + i · sin(x), where i is the imaginary unit. A slight rearrangement yields:
cos(x) = ei·x i · sin(x)
Create a nested subfunction that accepts one input argument x (which may be
a vector) and returns the cos function defined as above. Call this function and plot its output from −π ≤ x ≤ π using π/100 increments. Label axes and title it ”Euler Output”.
So far, I have not even been able to do this without a nested subfunction. MATLAB tells me that, "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals," but the given equation clearly needs to make use of imaginary roots.

Best Answer

Your problem is here:
You should spend some time reading the MATLAB Getting Started material, but you just assign the output to a variable.
cosx = exp(1i*x)-1i*sin(x);
Of course you have another problem with figure1( ) unless you have written a function called figure1().