MATLAB: Help with multi-window GUI

guiguideMATLABmatlab gui

My GUI tool is thus organized:
1) input_screen.m, where the user can only enter numeric values;
2) callbacks of various scripts and functions;
3) Plots and numeric results.
Instead of visualizing plots and numeric results within Matlab's main window, I want to show them in a results_screen.m kind of window.
I've been reading various help files, such as "Making multitple GUIs work together" and "Sharing Data Among a GUI's Callbacks" and I've asked previously here, but I can't find a proper workaround for my GUI.
For example, I've created axes within the results_screen.m
Now how can I use them to show my plots?
I can't figure it out how to put these commands: fig = figure(); ax = axes('Parent',fig); plot(ax,X,Y);
Same for uitable('Style' 'text') where I want to show my numeric results.

Best Answer

im also beginner with matlab. However my way to show a data in other window GUI is like this.
1. i save all the value that input from input_screen.m in MAT files
save VALUE a b c
2. i create new button to open the new window for results_screen GUI
3. i load from previous saved MAT files in results_screen then i can use that value to plot at axes in results_screen window.
load VALUE
That my way,hope it will help you.