MATLAB: Help with montage function


I got a question about using montage function,and I really need help. I was trying to use this function to display 16 pics together just like the video shows, but there were several bugs that I cannot figure it out,please look at two pictures down below.
imds = imageDatastore('I:\pics\test',… 'IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames') ; %% Display Class Names and Counts tbl = countEachLabel(imds) categories = tbl.Label;
%% Display Sampling of Image Data sample = splitEachLabel(imds,16); montage(sample.Files(1:16)); title(char(tbl.Label(1)));
%% Show sampling of all data for ii = 1:4 sf = (ii-1)*16 +1; ax(ii) = subplot(2,2,ii); montage(sample.Files(sf:sf+3)); title(char(tbl.Label(ii))); end

Best Answer

montage accepts images of same size it seems. Resize the images to same dimensions using imresize.
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