MATLAB: Help with loops _ multiple variables


I’ve been trying to write a loop where the below equations will take place for each of the 4 values in the arrays below ie x1 is first calculated with the first value of each and then calculated with the 2nd values of each, etc. I keep getting a result that moves to the end of the loop and repeats the calculation for x1 using all variables instead of just the appropriate variable of each array. Not expecting someone to write the code but an example using loops for several variables and arrays would be great .
Sm1= [2;3;1;4];
Fc1 = [5;2;3;7];
A1= [1;4;1;2];
Fs = 60;
t1 = (0:sm1-1)/Fs;
x1 = A1*cos(2*pi*Fc1*t1);
For sm1(1:end)
t1 = (0:sm1-1)/Fs;
For A1(1:end
For Fc1(1:end)
x1 = A1*cos(2*pi*Fc1*t1);

Best Answer

Use indexing and vectorize the appropriate operations:
Sm1 = [2;3;1;4];
Fc1 = [5;2;3;7];
A1 = [1;4;1;2];
Fs = 60;
N = numel(A1);
C = cell(1,N); % optional.
for k = 1:N
t1 = (0:Sm1(k)-1)/Fs
x1 = A1(k).*cos(2*pi*Fc1(k)*t1)
... your code here
C{k} = x1; % optional: store the vector x1.