MATLAB: Help with linear fit

fitinterpolationlinear fitslope

Given a curve (x vs y) I need to do a linear fit but only between two points x1 and x2 of that curve. Then, I need to calculate the slope of this line. Could you suggest me the fastest way to do that? Thanks.

Best Answer

Here is one way:
x = 0:0.05:1; % define data
y = sin(x).^2;
x1 = x(10); % define interval
x2 = x(20);
xrange = x(find(x == x1):find(x == x2)); % pick out x and y vals in interval
yrange = y(find(x == x1):find(x == x2));
p = polyfit(xrange, yrange, 1); % do linear curve fit
yfit = polyval(p, xrange);
hold on; grid; box
The first element of p is the slope of the linear curve.