MATLAB: Help with Function please !


Hello Matlab community!
I need your help for one more time ! 🙂
Well i have made a program for the forward kinematics of one finger. That program has a function which is … function kin(q1,q2,q3,t) These (q1,q2,q3) are the angles of the joints for the finger. I want to do that for the rest of the fingers but i don't want to make the exact same program for each of the fingers. I want to just do that from one program. What i have in mind is , if it is q1_1, q1_2, q1_3 it is for the first finger , q2_1, q2_2, q2_3 is for the second finger etc.
Can you please help me with this ? Thanks a lot in advance Nick

Best Answer

I suggest you make a 5x3 matrix, for example,
Then call the function for the first finger
For the second finger, it will be
Or a little bit advanced, use cell array
% for the first finger
% for the second finger