MATLAB: Help with Fourier analysis of wav signal


Hey I am trying to understand this fft waveform i have with a .wav file I recorded of myself. I feel as though the fft is not right, or I am misunderstanding what is being shown. I posted the fft and it shows the signal having a frequency components magnitude increasing at frequencies much higher than my voice. I think the frequency range should be in the range of 250-350Hz. Can anyone explain what I am not understanding? I also added the time domain representation of the wave.
Here is my code.
Mono = (y(:,1)+y(:,2))/2;
y = Mono;
F = 1./time;
nfft = fft(y);

Best Answer

For the correct way to code and interpret the Fourier transform of your signal, see the R2015a documentation for the fft (link) function. Particularly note the code between the first (top) two plot figures.