MATLAB: Help with For/If commands

multiple commands

I am working on a project right now, and have a menu asking what a user would like to solve for. The menu corresponds to function handles, and in the function handles the variables can be used in more than 1. What i want to do is to have it run for variable A or B or C, and if it doesn;t have A B or C in it, it will stop and move to D E and F.
Here is what some of the code looks like :
(choice is the variable i assigned for the menu)
if choice == 1,4;6;7;8;10;11;
a=input ('What is the cross sectional area? ');
if choice ==2,3;5;6;
cl=input('What is the change in length? ');

Best Answer

Use switches .. I hope it will solve your problem.
switch choice
case {1,4,6,7,8,10,11}
% your code here

case {2,3,5,6}
% your code here