MATLAB: Help with for cycle in a vector

averagecycleforfor cyclesumvectorvectors

I have a vector , and I want to obtain another vector whose elements are obtained by averaging over the elements of the first one. For example I have
x = [3,6,4,5,1,7,9,8,5]
and I want to obtain a vector by averaging every 3 elements of x, like this
y = [(3+6+4)/3,(5+1+7)/3,(9+8+5)/3].
Also I want to take into account the modulus of division, so if I have
then y should be
y = [(3+6+4)/3,(5+1+7)/3,(9+8)/2],
and if
then y should be
y = [(3+6+4)/3,(5+1+7)/3,9]
I know I have to use more than a 'for' cycle but don't know how, could you help me? thanks

Best Answer

x = [3,6,4,5,1,7,9,8,5]