MATLAB: Help with error in Matlab


I have a cell named "r2" which has 2 rows and 1 column:
r2 {1,1} = 1046 x 1
r2 {2,1} = 1045 x 1
When analyzing the number of repetitions in a cell how in the following example:
r2 = {[1, 4, 3, 1], [2, 2, 3]};
I should have results:
r3 = {[1 2, 2 0, 3; 1 4 1], [1 0, 2; 2 3 1]};
In applying the code:
if true
% code
r2 = {[1, 4, 3, 1]; [2, 2, 3]};
r3 = cellfun (@ (x) [(1: máx (x)) ', accumArray (x (:), 1) ], r2, 'un', 0);
Matlab gives me the error:
*"Error using accumarray
First input SUBS must contain positive integer subscripts.
Error in @(x)[(1:max(x))',accumarray(x(:),1)]"*
How I can fix it?
Many thanks

Best Answer

invalid_entries = cellfun( @(x) x(x <= 0 | mod(x,1) ~= 0), r2, 'Uniform', 0);
Use that to find out which values are not positive integers.