MATLAB: Help with division on a cell array

cell array

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a simple question please. I'm trying to create a system where the user enters a number. The value of total_no_images is a 1×1 cell and I want to carry out general easy multiplication and division on it using / and * and I've tried ./ and .* but am having no luck. Also played with cell2mat etc functions but no luck. anyone have any ideas? I don't think its that hard im just new to this!
Many thanks
% Displays modal dialogue box with requested parameters and allows answer to
%be inputted and saved to workspace variable
total_no_images =inputdlg(prompt,title_figure,num_lines,def,options);
%Display messages to user
fprintf('Total Number of images to capture =\n');
%Display required angle between each image
angle = 360./total_no_images

Best Answer

Try this:
prompt = 'Enter number';
title = 'Enter an integer';
title_figure = 'my title';
def = {'20'};
num_lines = 1;
total_no_images =inputdlg(prompt,title_figure,num_lines,def);
total_no_images = str2num(total_no_images{1})
%Display messages to user
fprintf('Total Number of images to capture = %d\n', total_no_images);
%Display required angle between each image
angle = 360./total_no_images