MATLAB: Help with cell subsindex


I have a matrix of 350 rows and a column that contains the number of (-1) that contains a specific pattern. I have a cell of 95 rows and one column and in each row I indicates a row number. How I can insert the numbers in the array of 350 elements corresponding to the rows indicated in cell 95 rows?
For example, I have a matrix?
A = [41, 12, 23, 34];
and I have the cell:
r = {[1, 2, 3], [2, 4] [1, 4]}
And the result I want is:
r2={ [41;12;23];[12;34];[41;34] }
Many thanks

Best Answer

A = [41, 12, 23, 34];
r = {[1, 2, 3], [2, 4] [1, 4]};
r2=cellfun(@(x) A(x),r,'un',0)