MATLAB: Help with cell count


I now have a cell of 95 rows. Each row is a series of numbers that I want to sort and count the number of times they are repeated.
For example:
r2 = {[1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 6]};
I using
if true
% code
I get "r8" that puts me the result properly:
   r8 = {[1, 3, 4, 6]}
But I want to find the number of times each number is repeated:
1 ----------------------------------3
2 ----------------------------------0
3 ----------------------------------1
4 ----------------------------------1
5 ----------------------------------0
6 ----------------------------------1
How could I do this?
Many thanks

Best Answer

r2 = {[1, 4, 3, 1]; [2, 2, 3]};
r3 = cellfun(@(x)[(1:max(x))',accumarray(x(:),1)],r2,'un',0);